How to Add Windows 7 Host to Eve-ng

Step by Step process to add Windows 7 Host to Eve-ng

Adding a Windows host to Eve-ng allows you to create a virtual lab environment for testing and learning. Eve-ng (Emulated Virtual Environment Next Generation) is a tool that network professionals use to simulate and practice network setups. By adding a Windows host, you can interact with network devices in a more realistic way, using a familiar operating system.

This guide will show you step-by-step how to add a Windows host to Eve-ng, making it easy to set up and manage your virtual lab.

The Windows 7 image has preinstalled software to help you troubleshoot and access multi-vendor devices. You can connect this host to the internet to download any required software for your lab.

Preinstalled Software Includes:

  • Cisco ASDM
  • Cisco AnyConnect
  • Wireshark
  • FileZilla
  • TFTP
  • WinSCP
  • And more

This image is ready for Eve-ng, so you just need to download it, upload it to the win7 folder, fix permissions, and you’re good to go. Enjoy using your new Windows 7 host in Eve-ng!

Follow the below Steps to add Windows 7 Host to Eve-ng.

  1. Create a folder for Windows 7 in Eve-ng.
  2. Download the Windows 7 Host image.
  3. Upload the image to the newly created folder in eve-ng.
  4. Fix the permission
  5. Test the Windows 7 host.

1. Create a folder for Windows 7 in Eve-ng using the following command.

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/win-7/

2. Download the Windows 7 Host image.

This image is already prepared for eve-ng, so you do not have to convert this image.
you can download the image for eve-ng from the below link.


3. Upload the Windows 7 image to the newly created folder in eve-ng.

Upload the downloaded image to the EVE using for example FileZilla or WinSCP to: 


4. Fix the permission.

The next step is to fix the permission.

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

5. Test the Windows 7 image in Eve-ng

Open the Eve-ng in the browser. Create a new lab, right-click on lab, and select Win 7.

It will work like a charm as in shown in the screenshot, enjoy.

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